Dear Herm’s Hikers,
I am sorry to report that I have been TEMPORARILY forced off the trail due to a mild knee injury (At least I hope so.). I will be returning home (Parkton, MD) for a couple a weeks to recover and rehabiliate.
The injury occurred while climbing down the backside of mountain in southern Vermont. I simply slipped on the wet rocks and twisted my knee undeneath the weight of my body and my backpack as I fell forward. At first, I thought I had escaped with only a few scrapes and bruises, but walking became more painful as I continued down the mountain. You learn to live with a lot of pain (I already had a mild case of tendinitis on that knee.) on the AT but something did not feel right so I went into town to see a doctor.
The initial diagnosis was medial and/or lateral ligament sprain of the knee. There do not appear to be any tears in the ligament(s). At this point in time, the best rehabilitation is rest for the knee.
Fortunately, I was not more seriously injured. I truly believe my hiking angels were at my side and helped to break my fall. As you know, the mountains were getting higher and steeper in Vermont and the rain more frequent, a dangerous and hazardous combination in mountain hiking. Serious injury is always a step away, and your net step could be your last step.
Hopefully, I have many more steps on the trail to take me to Mount Katahdin. This is not the end of Herm’s Hike but only a timeout. Please continue to check my website for updates on my status. Please continue to spread the word about the hike. And above all, PLEASE REMEMBER, WE ARE STILL TAKING DONATIONS. There is still a ways to go before Katahdin and still a ways before meeting our fundraising goal.
Please continue to check my website for updates on my hiking status. And most important, keep me in your prayers. Hike in peace and hike with your angels!
Tom Sturm says
Hi Paul,
I just heard about your AT hike for your father from Bill & Diane Niece. They stopped by St. Anthony’s church on July 25 after my sister’s memorial servive . She passed away on May 20 after a bout with cancer.She is in God’s loving arm’s now. They said you were just reahing Md.
I just missed you! My oldest son,Chris and I were thinking about meeting up with you at Graymoor Ny near Bear Mountain and walk a few miles with you. We live north of Graymoor just 8 miles past Rooselvelt home in Rhinebeck. But now you are in Mass.
I know your Dad is very proud of you.
I just read ” A Walk in the Woods ” by Bill Bryson this pass spring.I got a feel of the adventure you are going through now.
Keep walking with the angels.
(my wife talks to her gaurdian angel all the time)
Good luck, keep dry, and be safe.
Tom Sturm
Lisa McColgan says
Hey Paul,
Just read this post. I’ll share this request for healing and the right timing for your resuming your journey in the future on Sunday. (At least you won’t be missing your family for a couple weeks 🙂 ) You must need to be there at this time. Heal well.
Bill says
Hey Son-Dance! Well, just back from a week in Ireland…geez, I leave the country for seven days, and here you are falling off mountains in Vermont! I told you you guys should have come with us! Plenty of mountains to fall off of in the Republic, especially Counties Wicklow and Kerry, but with the compensation that you can fly up the windy, narrow Irish “roads” to Midleton for the Jameson experience in all its basic enjoyability. Seriously, sorry to read that you hurt the knee, but I do hope you rehab fast, and can reach that goal…Vermont, you’re so close now!! More about Ireland when next we meet..whenever that is!